Saturday, October 17, 2009

What It Is

I know I seem like a Lazy Bastard, and I am, but it's not just lack of motivation or fear of success. I am devoted to one thing: ending the control of the World by those claiming to be Elites. Call me crazy, but it is what it is and unless some progress is made in that direction I don't wanna be here. But what the fuck am I doing to accomplish this? Not fucking much, lazy selfish mofo. Not enough.

So I'm gonna start doing more. I've said this in the past with some successes and some failures. This time, failure's not an option. Shit's bout to hit the fan and before we know it we'll be talking bout the good ole days when gas was under 10 bucks a gallon. I don't know if it's a month or a year but I'm not gonna sit around and wait. It's coming and no one can stop it except us if we stand up and fix the root problems and that is these Elites want a world of dumb people because they are easy to control and as long as they are in positions of power We will never be Free. They view humanity as their herd of cattle. I can't live with that and I won't. This, right now, may be our only real opportunity to end it. In less than a decade surveillance will be so pervasive that it will be impossible to organize, protest or resist. The very idea of what it means to be human, to learn and explore, will be restricted and regulated. It already has. Fuck that. I will do anything in my power to stop it and I won't stop til it's over or I am.

I'm not gonna predict the future, victory or defeat. I have no idea what the chances of success are. I know there are millions just in this thing we call a country and I know that's been enough in the past. In the Revolutionary War only 3% of the population fought. Hopefully no one will have to fight and die in this Revolution but I can't say that's likely unless we have some real Hands Across America type shit all the sudden. It's bleak, but I can't give it up and I have devoted enough time and effort to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that this threat is real. We haven't passed the point of no return yet, but we shoulda pulled the brakes a while ago on this train.

So anyway, sorry for the novel. Not trying to lecture or preach or anything like that, just trying to explain my behavior a little and maybe warn you about what you're getting into with me. I've never tried to hide it but maybe I haven't been as committed in the past as I feel right now and the sense of urgency is getting to a point where it is impossible for me to ignore. Hey, I know some people would diagnose me with a half dozen psychiatric disorders if they read this shit. Hopefully they're right and I'm wrong. But, what if I'm not wrong? Many will die unless we make preparations to deal with the fact that the American Empire and it's dominance over the world is coming to an end and realize the effects this will have on us all. The USD (dollar) is dead. It has de facto lost its reserve currency status in the world and been replaced with SDR (Special Drawing Rights) from the IMF. Oil and other transactions that have been conducted for decades exclusively in USD have switched to alternatives like the Yen, Euro and Ruble. This could not have possibly happened a decade ago without American threat of sanctions or worse. Now, with it's forces overextended and spread thin in a global war on "terror" (wtf?) with two major fronts and long term occupations, other nations are simply calling the bluff and doing what's in their own economic interest - what they would have done all along without the threat of force on one side and bribes and kickbacks on the other. All it means really is we are going to have to work to survive. Not really the end of the world, is it? But getting a lot of people to consider that possibility is real hard.

Aright, sorry for all that but I wouldn't feel right if I didn't give you a heads up on the information I have gathered and you can do with it as you wish.

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