Sunday, September 27, 2009

Police State - The Militarization of the Police Force in USA

Have local police forces been purchased with federal money and outfitted as a militarized extension of the federal government?

I don't know, but I do know that the "Homeland Security" program has caused the integration of all levels of law enforcement, from the Park Ranger or Town Constable up to the FBI, CIA and head of DHS into a very vertical, interconnected bureaucracy. It is not hard to imagine a Federal Agent calling a local officer and giving them an "order" to detain someone or take some action and that "order" being followed. Historically, there was much resistance to this type of top-down structure but it seems to have faded away after the last few decades of FED, Inc. showering money on underfunded local law enforcement offices with tight restrictions on what could be done with the money - like buy machine guns, tanks, sonic weapons, etc. I have heard very few stories of local cops turning down the money... seems everyone has a price these days...

I hope you will remember you're Oath and follow it. Police Officers, Soldiers, Public Servants - PLEASE! Stop this madness and follow your conscience, as a Human and an American, if you are given orders to take action against fellow Americans. Mutiny may be our only chance to avert this attempted Coup of America, but it needs to be done at the highest levels. Do you want to be around for - or worse, participate in - the fall of America to tyranny?! The true terrorists will be brought to Justice and Liberty restored. Don't be on the wrong side of history.